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Camping Terasy


  • Çalışma saatleri: 15.04 - 01.10 - şu anda operasyonda
  • Adres: Pnovany 343 e, 33033 Pnovany, Çek Cumhuriyeti - haritada göster



Camping Terasy is a Dutch campsite beautifully situated by Lake Hracholusky in the Czech Republic. The campsite has 6 simple houses for 2 to 4 people, 3 mobile homes for 4 to 5 people and 15 to 20 places for … a caravan, camper or tent. It is located in the Bohemia near the village Pnovany and this is close to Pilsen. Prague is about 100 kilometers away and can be easily reached by car. There is a canteen at the campsite with plenty of play options for younger and older children. At about 200 meters there is a kind of camping shop, where the most important foodstuffs are for sale in high season.
Değişiklik öner
Referans fiyatı
Yoğun sezon €23,00*
Düşük sezon €23,00*
*İki yetişkin, karavan, araba, elektrik ve gecelik yerel vergi
Çalışma saatleri
15. abril - 01. octubre


camping Terasy ligt vlakbij het dorpje Pnovany tussen de plaatsen Stribro en Pilsen. Indien u pnovany invoert in de navigatie, dan kunt u hierna de borden volgen 'camping Terasy'.
  • Göl: Yerinde
  • Dağlarda: Evet
  • Sonraki şehir: 20 km
  • Sonraki kasaba/köy: 10 km
  • Tren istasyonu veya otobüs terminali: 2 km
Pnovany 343 e
33033 Pnovany
Çek Cumhuriyeti
GPS koordinatları
Lat 49.79481, Long 13.13555
Yol tarifi al
Değişiklik öner


Camping Terasy
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